Trademark Registration

Registration of Trademark Application is completely online.There is a standard operating process of Trademark Applications. Once registered , Trademark is valid for 10 years.


Filing of Application

First Step is to file an Application. Trademark application can be filed online or offline. Offline and Online Applications are merged and proceed for further process

VIENNA Codification

If applied mark consists of figurative elements, codification of the figurative elements is done as per VIENNA Agreement and then application moves for examination. Trade Marks applied as word per se directly proceed for examination.

Examination of Applications

Examination in Trademark registration process is done in two stages, first examination report is prepared by an Examiner and then the application and examination report is forwarded to Examination Controller for approval.

After this, Trademark application may be accepted or an objection may be raised as per provisions of the TM Act. In case it is accepted, it will be published in TM Journal, else examination report will be issued to the applicant containing office objections which needs to be replied by the applicant within 30 days from the date of receipt of examination report.

Consideration of Reply

If reply is submitted within the prescribed period, the same is considered by the authorized officers .The officer may accept application , else a hearing opportunity is offered to the applicants.

Show-cause hearing

In case the objection/s raised by the office are not met after consideration of reply to the examination report, the application moves for show cause hearing.

Post Advertisement Processing

After the acceptance of the mark, trademark is published in TM Journal. The certificate gets automatically issued if no opposition is filed within four months or if the application has not already been withdrawn by the Registrar of Trade Marks at the request of the applicant.

"The Trade Mark once registered is valid for 10 years."


If the trademark is opposed by any third party after the publication, the same needs to be disposed of as per rules after giving proper hearing opportunity to both the parties. If the opposition is dismissed, the trade mark proceeds for registration and registration certificate is issued to the applicant. In case opposition is allowed, the application gets refused as per law.

Post Registration Trade Mark Management

It is possible for the registered proprietor to record the post registration changes pertaining to proprietor name, address, address for service, assignment or registered user, etc. in the Register of Trade Marks by filing a request on the prescribed form, with the prescribed fee.

A registered Trademark can be renewed after every 10 years for an indefinite period by paying the prescribed fee on the prescribed form.

What is

LLP ROC Compliances

Generally there are not much compliances under Limited Liability Partnership Act 2008 and rules made thereunder, but to maintain transparency as to financial affairs of a LLP certain basic compliances are provided for ROC fillings. If an LLP fails to comply with these requirements, it may have to pay hefty penalties.


ROC Compliances for LLP

Compliance RequirementDue Date/PeriodicityPenalty for Non-Compliance
Statement of Accounts and Solvency in LLP Form 8Every LLP shall file Form-8 within 30 days after completion of six months from end of financial year.Late fee of Rs.100 per day of delay
Annual return in LLP Form 11Ø Form 11 is to be filed with the Registrar within 60 days from the end of financial yearØ Late fee of Rs.100 per day of delay

Ø Designated partners shall be liable for a fine which shall be not less Rs.25000 but which may extend upto Rs.500000
Income Tax ReturnØ due date for filing Income Tax Returns for LLPs that does not require Tax Audit is 31st July 2023.

For LLPs requiring Tax Audit, the due date for filing Income Tax Returns for FY 2022-23 is 30th September 2023.
Ø Interest will be payable in case income tax liability not paid along with late fee of Rs.10000

DIR 3 for Designated Partners KYCØ Each designated partner for an LLP is required to file form DIR 3 KYC on for before 30th September of each Financial year.DIN will get deactivated unless it is activated after paying a late fee of Rs.5000
Preparation of Books of Accounts and Statutory AuditØ LLP whose annual turnover exceeds Rs. 40 lakhs or whose contribution exceeds Rs. 25 lakhs are required to get their accounts audited by or before 30th SeptemberØ LLP shall be leviable with a fine of minimum Rs.25000 which may extend to Rs.500000.

Ø Designated partner can be leviable with a fine of minimum Rs.10000 which may extend to Rs.100000.

Event Based

ROC Compliances for LLP

Compliance RequirementDue Date/PeriodicityPenalty for Non-Compliance
Changes in Designated PartnersØ Form-4 within 30 days of such changeThe LLP and every designated
partner of the LLP shall be
punishable with fine which shall not
be less than Rs 2000 & may extend
to Rs 25,000.
Creation, modification and satisfaction of charge on secured borrowingsØ Form-8 to be filed for creation or modification of charge within 30 days from end of 6 months of the financial year i.e. 30th OctoberLate fee of Rs.100 per day of delay
Changes in Registered officeØ Form -15 to be filed within 30 days of changeThe LLP and its every partner shall
be punishable with fine which shall
not be less than Rs. 10,000 & may
extend to Rs. 1,00,000
Change of Name of the LLPØ Form-5 to be filed within 30 days of changePerson guilty of offence shall be punishable with fine which may extend to Rs 5,00,000 but which shall

not be less than Rs 5000 and with a further fine which may extend to Rs
50 for everyday after the first day after which the default continues
Change in LLP AgreementØ Form-3 to be filed within 30 days of such change12 Person guilty of offence shall be punishable with fine which may extend to Rs 5,00,000 but which shall

not be less than Rs 5000 and with a further fine which may extend to Rs.50 for everyday after the first day after which the default continues
Consent and Particulars of
Partner/Designated Partner
Ø Form-4 within 30 days of appointment of designated partnerThe LLP and its every partner shall
be punishable with fine which shall
not be less than Rs. 10,000 & may
extend to Rs. 1,00,000



We provide convenient communication channels for clients to reach out and get support when needed.

Transparent Pricing

We offer transparent and affordable pricing, without any hidden fees or charges, making it easier for clients to budget and plan.


Our services will be executed through confidentiality agreements . Your company’s information and trademarks will be kept secret with us


We have a team of qualified and experienced professionals who can provide high-quality financial and business advisory services to clients.

Personalized Services

Our Service solutions can be tailored to the unique needs of each client, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.


We provide regular updates and proactive communication to clients, keeping them informed and involved in the decision-making process.


LLP ROC Compliances AMC

  • Basic
  • Rs.6999
    per plus taxes (Including Government Fee)
  • Preparation of Financial Statement
  • Partners Annual KYC
  • Filing of FORM 8 & FORM 11
  • FIling of Income Tax Returns
  • (Turnover upto 40 lakh per annum)
  • Premium
  • 17999
    per (Including Government Fee)
  • Bookkeeping (upto 500 transactions per annum)
  • Preparation of Financial Statement
  • Partner Annual KYC
  • Filing of FORM 8 & FORM 11
  • LLP Income Tax Returns
  • Statutory Audit Support (Turnover upto Rs.2 crore)

Have A Question?


To maintain transparency LLP in India are required to comply with annual compliances like Form11 Annual Return, Form-8 statement of the accounts and solvency and Income Tax Return in Form-5.

ROC Compliances for LLPs are in place to ensure transparency, accountability, and legal adherence and these are exist for below reasons:

  1. Legal and Regulatory Requirements
  2. Protection of Stakeholders
  3. Financial Reporting and Transparency
  4. Corporate Governance
  5. Investors confidence
  6. Avoiding Penalties and Legal liabilities

The LLP Form 8 or the statement of account and the solvency is to be filed every year by all the LLPs that are registered in India. It is filed with the MCA irrespective of the turnover.

There are many privileges for the LLPs as compared to Pvt. Ltd. companies like exemptions from maintaining the minutes’ books, statutory register, annual general meeting, Statutory Audit (if turnover is less than 40 lakh).

The Board meeting is conducted by the Board of Directors which is applicable to companies only though in case of LLPs instead the designated partners run the whole business and are also responsible for the compliance.

An LLP can appoint an auditor by passing a resolution signed by the designated partners. Such appointments do not need any e-form. Prior consent of the auditor is a must for his appointment in an LLP. The designated partners have powers for such appointments. Otherwise, the partners have the right to appoint the auditor. An auditor appointment can be at any time in the financial year. But it should be 30 days before the end of the financial year.

LLPs are taxed at a flat rate of 30%. Further if total income exceeds Rs.1 crore than an addition surcharge if payable @12%. Health and Education Cess @4% is payable on the amount of income tax and surcharge.

Yes, any existing private company or existing unlisted public company can be converted into LLP by complying with the Provisions of clause 58 and Schedule III and IV of the LLP Act. Form 18 needs to be filed with the registrar along with Form 2 for such conversion.

The change in partner’s details can be intimated by filing eform 4 within thirty days of such change without additional fee and with additional fee thereafter.

You are required to file eForm 15 at LLP portal only once. Existing registrar shall process the eForm and forward the same to the new Registrar for registration. Please note that approval of such eForm 15 shall not be allowed in case there is any other eForm(s) pending for payment of fee or is under processing in respect of the LLP. Upon approval, Certificate for change of registered address from the Registrar office shall be provided.

Yes, every LLP has to mandatorily file Annual Returns and financial statements with the Ministry even if they are not doing any business. It is a compulsory requirement of law that even NIL returns should be filed.


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